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10 Crucial NSFAS Application Status Outcomes Explained

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) application process can be nerve-wracking. After submitting your application, you’ll be waiting anxiously for your status update. This article explains the nine crucial NSFAS application status outcomes you might encounter and what each one means for you.

Understanding NSFAS Application Status Steps

After submitting your NSFAS application, the wait for a status update can be nerve-wracking. Understanding the different outcomes, like “Awaiting Documents” or “Evaluation,” can help you stay informed. Positive results like “awarded” mean you’ll receive funding, while negative ones might require you to gather missing documents or file an appeal through the NSFAS portal. Regularly checking your application status and contacting NSFAS for any questions will ensure a smoother journey towards securing your financial aid.

1. Application Received

When you see the “Application Submitted” status on your NSFAS application status, it means your journey to funding has begun. This status is the initial step that confirms your application is successfully receive and is active in the NSFAS system. This is the initial status after submitting your application. It simply means NSFAS has acknowledged receiving your application.

Meaning of “Application Submitted”

This status indicates that your application has been received by NSFAS. It indicates that the application form and document upload have been correctly completed, along with all other preliminary stages. The NSFAS system has received your application in its entirety, and it is currently awaiting processing.

2. Awaiting Documents

This status indicates your application is incomplete. You’ll need to identify and compile any missing documents as listed on the NSFAS application portal. Double-check for any errors or inconsistencies in your submitted information, as this can delay processing.


  • Review the NSFAS portal message for details on missing documents.
  • Gather the required documents (e.g., ID, proof of income).
  • Resubmit your application with all necessary documents as soon as possible.

3. Validation

A crucial verification procedure is represent by the “validation” outcome in the status of your NSFAS application. In order to verify the information you have submitted, NSFAS works with outside organizations such as the Department of Home Affairs and the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) during this phase.

Duration of the Validation Stage:

Time-frame: Because the validation procedure entails extensive inspections and collaboration between numerous government entities, it may take several weeks.
Waiting Period: Because of the thoroughness of verification needed, applicants should anticipate that this step will take longer than others.

4. Evaluation

NSFAS is meticulously examining all the documents you submitted with your application. This may take some time, so be patient. In the crucial “evaluation” stage of your NSFAS application status, NSFAS carefully examines and confirms the supporting documentation you have sent. This phase is critical to figuring out if you qualify for financial assistance.

The “Evaluation’s” goal Step: 

  • Comprehensive Document Evaluation NSFAS carefully examines every document at this point to make sure it complies with NSFAS standards and is authentic and relevant. Information Verification
  • We carefully verify the accuracy of your financial information, academic records, and personal information.

Duration of the “Evaluation” Stage:

Variable Time Frame: The evaluation step can take anywhere from a few weeks to many months, however, this is not always the case. The length of time is determined by the application’s complexity and NSFAS’s workload during the application period.
Peak Period Delays: Because of the higher volume of applications received, processing delays may be longer during peak application periods, such as the weeks leading up to the start of a new school year.

5. Funding Eligibility

This stage involves NSFAS assessing your household’s financial situation based on the information you provided. They will determine your financial need and eligibility for NSFAS funding.

Financial Threshold

  • Income Cap: The total annual household income of a student must not be more than R350,000 in order for them to be eligible for NSFAS financing. The purpose of setting this barrier is to guarantee that the students who most need the funding receive it.
  • Special Consideration: The income level is increase for students with disabilities. The home income for these pupils cannot be more than R600,000 annually.

Verification Process:

  • Income Assessment: Your household’s income is thoroughly assessed by NSFAS. This involves looking into the parents’ or guardians’ income.
  • Essential Records: Paystubs, employment letters, or other formal documentation attesting to your household income may be required. An affidavit declaring the unemployment of parents or guardians may be necessary in certain situations.
  • Third-Party Verification: NSFAS may also employ independent organizations to confirm the income data submitted. Cross-referencing with data from the South African Revenue Service, or SARS, may be part of this.

6. Awaiting Academic Results/Admission

NSFAS is waiting to receive confirmation of your academic results and admission status from your chosen institution. Ensure you’ve met all academic requirements and secured admission before this step. An important step in the NSFAS application process is the “Awaiting Academic Results/Admissions” stage, during which the educational institution you applied to confirms your academic standing and admission status. This is an important step since it helps your NSFAS application fit into your academic trajectory.

Significance of “Awaiting Academic Results/Admissions ” NFAS Application Status:

Academic Performance Review: To make sure you fulfill the necessary performance requirements, NSFAS reviews your academic records.
Admission Confirmation: This status also means that your chosen institution’s confirmation of your admission or current enrollment is awaited by NSFAS.

7. Awarded

Congratulations! This status signifies that your NSFAS application has been approved. You’ve been deemed financially eligible for funding.

8. Not Awarded (Application Incomplete)

In this case, your application was unsuccessful due to missing documents or inaccurate information. Refer to steps mentioned under “Awaiting Documents” to rectify and resubmit your application.

9. Not Awarded (Other Reasons)

If your application was rejected, but you believe it’s an error or due to extenuating circumstances, you can appeal the decision.

Step-by-Step (Appeal Process):

  • Contact NSFAS to inquire about the specific reason for rejection.
  • Gather any supporting documents that strengthen your appeal case.
  • File an appeal through the NSFAS portal, outlining the reason for your appeal and including supporting documents.

10. Payments

It marks a turning point in your NSFAS application status journey when your application status updates to “Payment.” This status shows that the money that was allot to you distribute and is now in your possession. An explanation of the “payment” status and its effects on your financial and academic preparation is provided below.

Meaning of “Payment” NSFAS application status:

Payment of Funds: This status verifies that your funding is process and release by NSFAS. So, Depending on your particular bursary arrangement, the money is usually distribute for living expenses, learning materials, tuition, and housing.
Funds Availability: The money is typically transferred into your bank account or NSFAS wallet for use toward individual educational costs, or it is sent directly to your school to cover tuition and fees.

How to Access and Use Your Funds:

NSFAS Wallet:

  • NSFAS may employ the NSFAS Wallet system for personal allowances. At NSFAS-partnered retailers, you can use this wallet to make cash withdrawals or make purchases.
  • Learn how to use the NSFAS Wallet, including how to set up your account, access your cash, and manage transaction limits.

Direct Payments to Institutions:

  • It’s common practice to pay tuition and housing costs straight to the institutions. Make sure that these payments have been made correctly by contacting the financial office of your organization.
  • For future reference, keep track of all payments and transactions.

Understanding your NSFAS application status is crucial for navigating the funding process. Stay informed, address any issues promptly, and ensure your academic and financial eligibility to secure your funding. Regularly checking updates and maintaining communication with NSFAS will help ensure a smoother journey towards receiving your financial aid.

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