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NSFAS Supporting Documents Checklist for 2024

It might be difficult to navigate the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) application procedure, particularly if you are unsure of the NSFAS supporting documents you require. This information is intended for those who have applied for or plan to apply for NSFAS in 2024. A comprehensive list of all the necessary supporting documents has been compiled to guarantee the success of your application.

NSFAS Supporting Documents 2024

When applying for NSFAS in 2024, having a clear understanding of the required documents is crucial. Here is an expanded list of what you need to prepare.

Proof of Identity
  • A valid South African ID book or card is required for all applicants.
  • Certified copies of your parents’ or legal guardian’s South African IDs (if applicable).
Parent/Guardian’s ID
  • ID Copies: Clear copies of IDs for both parents, or your guardian, if applicable.
  • Deceased Parent(s): If a parent is deceased, a death certificate must be provided.
Household Income Proof
  • If employed: recent payslips (not older than three months), employment letters, or tax returns for parents, guardians or yourself (if employed).
  • SASSA grant recipient: No proof of income required if you or your household members receive a SASSA grant.
Academic Results
  • Your latest academic transcript or exam results (unless you’re still in Grade 12).
  • A letter from your school stating exemption from school fees (if applicable).
Proof of Admission
  • Acceptance Letter: Official letter from the university or college confirming your acceptance into a program for the 2024 academic year.
Declaration Form (Non-SASSA Applicants)
  • Vulnerable Child Status: This form is crucial for applicants identified as vulnerable children by the Department of Social Development.
  • Download here
NSFAS 2024 Applications Consent Form
  • Consent for Verification: This form grants NSFAS permission to verify the information you’ve provided. It’s a mandatory part of the application process.
NSFAS Disability Annexure A
  • Disability Specification: Applicants with a disability must complete this form. It includes details about the nature of the disability and any specific support required.

Additional Documents (If Applicable)

  • Marriage certificate of parents (if married).
  • Legal documentation proving guardianship (if applicable).
  • Divorce decree (in case of divorced parents).

Tip: Use the following Checklist to verify if you have all your NSFAS supporting Documents ready.

Tips for NSFAS Supporting Documents Preparation

  • Proof of admission letter from your chosen institution.
  • NSFAS Disability Annexure A (for applicants with disabilities).
  • Declaration Form (for non-SASSA applicants).
  • NSFAS 2024 Applications Consent Form.
  • Tip: Use the following Checklist to verify if you have all your NSFAS supporting Documents ready.
  • Tips for NSFAS Supporting Documents Preparation for 2024
  • Regularly check for expiration dates on documents like your ID. Renew any expired documents promptly.
  • Ensure all documents reflect your current situation, especially for income and employment status.
  • NSFAS supporting documents must be certified by a recognized authority like a police station, post office, or lawyer.
  • NSFAS may require certification to be recent (usually within 3 months). Always check the latest NSFAS guidelines for specific timeframes.
  • Ensure the certification stamp is original on each copy and includes the certifier’s details and date of certification.
  • When scanning NSFAS supporting documents, use a high-quality scanner or a scanning app to ensure clarity.
  • Create dedicated digital folders on your computer or cloud storage for easy access and to avoid misplacing them.
  • Save documents in widely accepted formats, like PDF or JPEG.
  • If any of your NSFAS supporting documents are not in English, get it professionally translated and include both the original and the translated version.
  • For documents that require handwritten information, write clearly and legibly to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Have additional copies of each of your NSFAS supporting documents in case of loss or damage to the original.

Submitting your NSFAS Supporting Documents

Naming of Files

  • Unambiguous Identification: Give each file a meaningful and descriptive name. “Surname_Firstname-ID.pdf” or “Surname_Firstname-BirthCertificate.pdf,” for example. This makes it easier for NSFAS staff to identify and arrange your materials.
  • Consistent Format: Give each of your documents a consistent naming convention. This guarantees that all of your documents are readily connected to your application and appear professional.

Limitation of files

  • Examine the NSFAS Guidelines: Check the most recent NSFAS standards for any specified file size limits before uploading.
  • Files can be compressed if needed. If the size constraints are exceeded by your documents, you can shrink their size with a trustworthy file compression program. But watch out that the documents’ readability and quality aren’t lost.
  • Test Following Compression: Open the files to make sure they are still readable and haven’t been corrupted or password-protected after compressing.

Uploading Documents

  • NSFAS Online: To upload your documents, go to the NSFAS student site (myNSFAS). Your password and username are required.
  • Section for Uploading Documents: Go to the portal’s NSFAS Supporting Documents upload section.
  • Appropriate Category: Make sure you upload all of your NSFAS Supporting documents in the NSFAS-specified category.

Review Before Submission

  • Final Check: Go over all of the submitted papers before clicking the submit button.
  • Verify that all necessary papers is include, that the file names are proper, and that the content is clear.
  • Upload Confirmation: After submitting the papers, watch for an email or message from NSFAS stating that the upload of your files was successful.


Navigating the NSFAS application process requires careful preparation, particularly with the required NSFAS Supporting Documents. For the 2024 application, essential documents include a valid South African ID, certified copies of parents’ or guardians’ IDs, proof of household income, and recent academic results. Additional forms, like the Declaration Form for non-SASSA applicants and the NSFAS Disability Annexure A for applicants with disabilities, are necessary. Ensure all documents are current, certified within the past three months, and clearly scanned. Name files descriptively and check NSFAS guidelines for file size limits. Upload all documents via the NSFAS student portal and confirm successful submission to complete your application effectively.

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