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How to Reinstate Your SASSA Grant After Cancellation

Facing a cancelled SASSA grant can be a significant source of anxiety and financial hardship. But don’t despair! Reinstatement is possible in many cases, and this comprehensive guide will walk you through the process, equipping you with the knowledge and resources necessary to regain your grant.

Understanding the Cancellation:

Before embarking on the reinstatement journey, it’s crucial to understand why your grant was cancelled in the first place. Several factors can lead to cancellation, including:

  • Changes in eligibility: Your income may have exceeded the eligibility threshold, or you might have started receiving another social grant.
  • Missing or outdated information: Your personal details like address, contact information, or banking details might be missing or inaccurate.
  • Non-submission of required documents: You might have failed to submit documents like proof of income, identification documents, or dependency affidavits.
  • Administrative error: In rare instances, technical errors within the SASSA system might lead to an unintended cancellation.

Eligibility Requirements Before Reinstate Your SASSA Grant

Reinstate Your SASSA Grant

You must fulfill the below eligibility criteria before Reinstate Your SASSA Grant. Otherwise, your request will be rejected:

  • You must be a South African citizen, asylum seeker, recognized refugee, or special permit holder.
  • You must be living within South Africa.
  • Your age must be between 18 to 60 years.
  • You should not be earning more than R624 per month and have insufficient assets to pass the means test criteria.
  • You must not be receiving any other government social grant, UIF (Unemployment Insurance Fund), or NSFAS (National Student Financial Aids) funds.
  • You must not refuse any job or education offer without any reason.
  • You must be unemployed, do not have any source of income, and struggle to fulfill your family’s basic needs.
  • You must not be caring in any state institution.

If you are fulfilling these above requirements, then you can easily be qualified for the SASSA grant.

Step By Step Process to Reinstate your Cancelled SRD Grant

Please make sure you have your South African ID card document and that the phone number you used to submit your initial application is still current before beginning the online reinstatement process.

Please follow the below steps to reinstate your application online:

1. Visit the SASSA Web Portal https://srd.sassa.gov.za/sc19/reinstate.

2. Provide Your ID & Phone Number ( provide your South African ID number and the phone number)

3. Click the “send pin” (After that, recheck if you typed the correct information, and if everything is perfect, click the “send pin” button)

4. Verify the OTP (Now, you will receive an OTP code on your registered phone number. Provide that code on the website screen and click the “verify” button.)

5. Provide the Reason (Once the OTP is verified, you will be redirected to another page. Here, you will need to select the reason for reinstatement of your grant. You will need to select from the below three options)

  • Cancelled in error
  • No longer have income
  • Other

6. Confirm Your Reinstatement Request ( After selecting the appropriate reason, a pop-up will appear with a message: “Are you sure you want to reinstate the grant?”. Click “Yes” to proceed with your reinstatement request.)

How Long Will SASSA Take to Approve My Reinstatement Request?

Reinstate Your SASSA Grant

SASSA typically needs seven to fourteen days to examine your application for reinstatement. However, it could possibly take up to 90 days, based on how busy they are and how many applications they are getting.

SASSA will notify you via SMS after evaluating your request and making a determination. You will begin receiving the funds as soon as you submit your grant restoration request, if it is accepted. If your request for grant reinstatement is denied, they will tell you and provide a rationale.


The article provides a thorough guide for Reinstate Your SASSA Grant, outlining reasons for cancellation, eligibility criteria, and a step-by-step process. It covers common cancellation factors like eligibility changes and missing documentation. Eligibility requirements, including citizenship, residency, and income thresholds, are clearly delineated. The process involves online verification of identity, selecting a reason for reinstatement, and confirming the request. SASSA’s processing time, typically 7-14 days but potentially up to 90 days, is explained, along with notification via SMS. Approved requests lead to immediate fund disbursement. Overall, the article offers invaluable assistance to individuals navigating the reinstatement process, providing clarity and support during a challenging time.

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