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SASSA Reapplication A Step-by-Step Guide

Giving financial support to those who need it most, the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) is essential in distributing social grants to individuals who are at risk. To guarantee accurate and current information, recipients must reapply for their awards on a regular basis. For many, this procedure—known as SASSA Reapplication can be confusing. We will provide a step-by-step method in this guide to assist people in smoothly navigating the SASSA Reapplication procedure.

1st Method of SASSA Reapplication

SASSA Reapplication

Your SASSA reapplication can be completed online. By taking these steps, this method can be used for all other SASSA social awards in addition to SRD R350.

  1. Visit our SASSA web portal at https://srd.sassa.gov.za/
  2. Click on the “Update your Existing Application for Reapplication” button.
  3. Provide your South African ID number and mobile number.
  4. Update your details as needed.
  5. Resubmit your social grant or SRD R350 grant application to SASSA.
  6. You can now check your SRD status online.

This process applies to all SASSA social grants and SRD grants, including the R350 grants. You can reapply for any social grant under the SASSA organization using this method.

2nd Method of SASSA Reapplication

SASSA Reapplication

Confirm Your SASSA Grant:

  • Identify the specific SASSA grant you receive (e.g., Older Persons Grant, Disability Grant, etc.).
  • This helps direct you to the relevant application platform and ensures you fill out the correct form.

Choose Your Application Method:

  • Online: The SASSA website https://www.sassa.gov.za/ offers a convenient online application portal.
    • Access the system using your South African ID number and mobile phone number.
    • Follow the prompts, update your details, and submit your application electronically.
  • SASSA Offices: You can visit your nearest SASSA office and complete the application form manually with assistance from officials.

Gather Required Documents:

  • Prepare your South African ID document, proof of residence (utility bill, rental agreement), and bank account details (if opting for direct deposit).
  • Additional documents may be required depending on your specific grant. The SASSA website or office personnel can guide you further.

Complete the Application Form:

  • Provide accurate and complete information in the relevant sections.
  • Be honest and transparent, as providing false information can lead to disqualification.
  • Double-check your details before submitting the application.

Submit and Track Your Application:

  • Once submitted online, you will receive a confirmation reference number.
  • Use this reference number to track your application status on the SASSA website.
  • If applying at an office, obtain a receipt for your application submission.

Stay Informed:

  • SASSA communicates important updates and deadlines through their website, social media platforms, and SMS notifications.
  • Stay informed to remain aware of any changes or requirements throughout the reapplication process.

Reasons for SASSA Reapplication

For some reasons, your application for SRD and SASSA funds may be rejected, such as:

  • Identity Verification Failed: The Department of Home Affairs’s records do not correspond with the personal information you submitted in your application.
  • Age Outside Range (>60): During the reconsideration time, your age surpasses 60 and you do not fulfill the required age.
  • Age Outside Range (<18): During the reconsideration time, your age falls below the 18-year-old threshold.
  • Found an Other Source of Income: During the reconsideration period, you had at least R624 in your bank account balance.
  • UIF Registered: Throughout the reassessment period, you were paid by the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF).
  • Funds from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) Received: During the reconsideration period, you were awarded financial aid from the NSFAS.
  • Additional Social Grants Filed: During the period of reconsideration, you submitted an application for an additional SASSA grant.

Check SASSA Reapplication Status Online

SASSA Reapplication

You can now check the progress of your re-application after submitting it in response to a Sassa grant that was denied. To find out whether your grant has been accepted or rejected, you can accomplish this by going to the SASSA Status Check page.

The same procedure that applies to other Sassa grant applications can be used to verify the status of a reapplication. Sassa will review and approve your application after a 90-day period during which you will have to wait. If your application status does not appear as pending within the allotted 60 days, you can Appeal R350 Grant on the issue with your application, allowing the national agency and DSD to promptly reinstate it.

Additional Resources and Tips:

  • SASSA Helpline: For assistance with reapplication or any other queries, call the SASSA toll-free number 0860 106 473.
  • SASSA FAQs: The SASSA website features a comprehensive FAQ section addressing common queries about reapplication.
  • Budgeting and Financial Literacy: While awaiting your grant approval, explore SASSA’s resources on budgeting and financial literacy to maximize your income and stretch your budget effectively.


The comprehensive guide outlines two methods for SASSA Reapplication, focusing on both online and in-person approaches. The step-by-step instructions and clear explanations facilitate a smooth process for applicants, ensuring they provide accurate information and required documentation. The article addresses the reasons for possible rejections and emphasizes the importance of staying informed throughout the reapplication process. The inclusion of a section on checking the application status online adds practical value. With additional resources, such as the SASSA Helpline and FAQs, the article equips readers with the necessary tools to navigate the SASSA Reapplication journey successfully. Overall, it serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking financial support through SASSA.

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